Are You:
Migrating Legacy applications to Distributed platforms like
.NET or Linux?
Looking to leverage your legacy assets in a Service Oriented
Finding it more difficult to implement than you thought it
would be?
Pinebrook Consulting offers complete solutions for:
Providing a Roadmap that ensures
successful migrations
Mentoring your support personnel and application staff
Providing utilities
and tools to facilitate migration
Customization, and
support of the architected environment
Providing complete
documentation to support the environment
Supplying trained,
experienced contract programmers or staff
Application development on intelligent
workstations and Legacy Migration is an excellent strategy
given the high cost of mainframe connectivity and the sophistication
of today's development tools and distributed environments
such as Micro Focus Net Express, Mainframe Tranasaction
Option, Mainframe Express, Fujitsu NetCOBOL for
.NET, Fujitsu NeoKicks, various
Data Base emulators, and the ease of developing COBOL based
web applications and web services. The challenge lies in
the proper implementation of these tools into your environment.
Pinebrook provides the proven experience for
the situations that will require creative solutions unique
to your environment. Our specialists are experienced professionals
with varied backgrounds. Our staff has provided consulting
services in many areas including:
WEB based development
Distributed Development
Off-loading mainframe
Legacy Migration Services
Contract Programming
are an Experienced
Training Vendor